Natural Fertility Support

Is this for you?

This program is for you if you have known or diagnosed fertility issues (male or female).

Our program has been used by patients that:

  • have been trying to conceive for quite sometime.
  • have had difficulty holding a pregnancy to full term.
  • have been diagnosed with an infertility condition such as: Endometriosis, PCOS, Anovulation, Amenorrhoea, Autoimmune Infertility, High FSH, Hormonal Imbalance, Luteal Phase Defect, Unexplained Infertility, Male Factor Infertility – low count, motility or morphology.

You may be concerned about areas such as:

-How has your past/current health issues or lifestyle affected your fertility status or contributed to your infertility condition

-How conducive are your current diet/nutrition levels towards conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy?

-How has the stress in your current work/home environment impacted upon your fertility?

-Have you left it too late? How your age is affecting your ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy/baby

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fertility

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Infertility is known as ‘Bu Yun’ which translates to ‘not being able to hold’.  Records discussing fertility treatments in China can be traced as far back as 200 A.D.    Traditional Chinese Medicine classifies the cause of infertility to be due to pathological conditions such as kidney deficiency, cold uterus, blood deficiency, liver qi stagnation, stagnant heat or phlegm dampness.  These traditional terms are only associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine and are the language commonly understood by practitioners of the craft.   Terms such as the Yin and Yang of the body are also addressed as we endeavour to balance the health of your entire body.

Traditional Chinese Medicine employs a unique and holistic system to search for health imbalances which may hinder fertility.  We examine your health in detail in all areas – body, mind and spirit.    We identify ‘signs and symptoms’ that indicate a ‘disharmony’ within the body.  We then focus on correcting the ‘disharmony’ with a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and nutrition/diet and lifestyle advice.   This system of correcting disharmonies has been used for thousands of years.  Traditional Chinese Medicine is in fact, the longest continuous medical system practised in the world.   It is a complete system of medicine, and the ‘disharmonies’ detected form part of the ‘diagnosis’ and guide the way towards the treatments required.

To prepare your body for pregnancy Traditional Chinese Medicine investigates in detail:

-Your menstrual cycle – the regularity, the flow, the colour, symptoms such as pain, mood swings, headaches, fluid retention etc

-Your current health – your energy, sleep, digestion, etc

-Your work life balance and stressors

-Your emotional health

-Your past health and lifestyle choices and their impact

In Traditional Chinese Medicine optimum health is when all organs and energy systems in the body are in balance.  A problem in one or more of the above areas can affect this balance and may be affecting your fertility.

What will happen?

The Natural Fertility Program consists of weekly 1hr treatments and the taking of herbs and supplements for at least six consecutive months.

Why six months?

It takes time to return your health to its most balanced state. Often it has taken years of unhealthy living in our stressful, busy world to put your body in a state so disharmonious that your health is suffering. These years of disharmony take quite a toll on the body and it takes time to rebalance and heal.

Your egg and sperm quality reflect the health your body has been in the previous 90 – 120 days that they took to develop. High stress, inadequate nutrition, inadequate rest during those 90-120 days all have an impact on this development and affect your fertility levels.

Six months may seem like an eternity to wait when you want a baby, many of you have already been trying for years.

By following the Natural Fertility Program and waiting those six months you may turn around your health conditions and help coax your most natural healthiest state out from where it has been hiding.

The Natural Fertility Program includes:

  • An initial detailed health assessment including a review of current diet and lifestyle choices
  • Education and insight on how to understand fertility and read and work with your body’s own fertile signs
  • Fertility focused dietary and Lifestyle recommendations and advice
  • Weekly Acupuncture treatments
  • Individually prescribed Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal formulas
  • Individually prescribed nutritional supplements

If you think this program may be for you, we would be happy to talk with you in a complimentary phone session. Just contact us by phone or email or fill in the simple form below letting me know what program you are interested in, or you can ring our clinic directly and book in for an initial session:

Call our clinic on (07) 3852 3384 or contact Kirsty directly on 0410 776 730
Or email Kirsty on
Or fill in the form below:

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